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[双语]“夏洛克”险遭绑架 一句话死里逃生

发布时间:2012年01月19日 14:07 | 进入复兴论坛 | 来源:国际在线 | 手机看视频


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  As the crime-fighting super sleuth Sherlock Holmes, he has faced some pretty nasty characters during his investigations. But Benedict Cumberbatch found himself in the middle of a real-life drama that could have cost him his life - if he hadn't talked his way out of it.

  作为与犯罪分子斗智斗勇的大侦探夏洛克-福尔摩斯,他在调查中会经常遇到一些无耻之徒。但在现实生活中,《神探夏洛克》主演本尼迪克特 康伯巴奇遇到的歹徒却险些要了他的命,幸亏在关键时刻,他的一句话让他得以死里逃生。

  In 2005, the 35-year-old was in South Africa filming the TV mini-series To The Ends of the Earth and had gone to Santa Lucia, on the northeast coast near Mozambique, to learn scuba-diving with two friends. But as he was driving back to his hotel with actress Denise Black and a South African friend, a tyre on their car blew and they were attacked by armed car jackers.

  2005年,35岁的他在非洲拍摄迷你剧《直到世界的尽头》。当时,他和两个朋友去到了莫桑比克东北海岸附近的圣卢西亚,去那里学习潜水课程。但是当他们一行人,包括女演员丹尼斯 布莱克和另一位南非朋友,驱车返回酒店时,他们的车胎爆了,还遭遇了劫车事件。

  Benedict said that the men appeared as they were trying to change the tyre and added: 'They said, "put your hands on your head, don’t look at us", and were frisking us for drugs, money, weapons.Then they bundled us into the car.


  He said they were held hostage and driven off along a dirt track. And when the gang finally stopped the car, Benedict, fearing for their lives, managed to talk the gang into letting them go after they dragged him into the boot of the car.


  He said: "If you leave me in here, it’s not the lack of air, it’s the small space. There’s a problem with my heart and my brain. I will die, possibly have a fit, and it will be a problem for you. I will be a dead Englishman in your car. Not good".


  He was pulled out of the boot and tied up to his two friends, who were left unharmed.


  Benedict said: 'It taught me that you come into this world as you leave it, on your own. It’s made me want to live a life slightly less ordinary.'




  • 夏洛克
  • 劫匪
  • 双语
  • 直到世界的尽头
  • Benedict
  • car
  • 神探夏洛克
  • us
  • 后备箱
  • said